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This week in history: Train accident collapsed part of foot bridge

Nov 19, 2023

Aug 13, 2023

125 years ago in 1898, taken directly from the Youngstown Vindicator:

“An accident occurred at the north end of the Market Street Foot Bridge about 11 o’clock Tuesday morning that came very near causing at least one fatality and no telling how many others.

“Luckily, however, the only damage done is to property. The north end, the high portion of the bridge, spans the Pennsylvania Railroad tracks and is a complete wreck, which will incommode residents of the South Side in no small degree, as it will require several days to repair the damage.

“The wreck was caused by the shifting of cars loaded with bridge material, from one track to another. On one of the cars was loaded a mammoth girder. Protruding from one of its ends is a large flange, which extended out several feet beyond the side of the car.

“As this car was drawn towards the bridge, it was noticed by a member of the train crew that the flange would not clear the uprights of the bridge. A frantic effort was made to stop the train but it failed. The flange took hold of the upright and both sides of the bridge and carried them away.

“(With) these gone, there was nothing left to support the south end of the high part of the bridge and down it came with a crash. Fortunately, the train was stopped a few seconds later, before the entire bridge had been dragged from its fastenings.

“A little girl, about 14 years of age, who gave her name was Bardon and residence on Waldo Street, and a small boy whose name could not be learned, were crossing the bridge when it was struck. The girl carried a dinner pail in one hand and an umbrella in the other, both of which she clung to when the shock threw her from her feet.

“As the bridge settled, she rolled toward the river, but she managed to grasp the railing and hold herself until the car stopped. As the motion of the bridge ceased, she sprang to her feet and hurried down the north steps.

“Fortunately, she was not injured in the least, but was badly frightened. The small boy also fell to the floor of the bridge and rolled a short distance. Unlike the little girl, however, he yelled and screamed like he was on the war path. He was not injured.

“A very considerable amount of additional property damage was averted by the promptness with which Engineer Shook brought his machine to a standstill after the bridge was struck. Had the train moved forward two feet further, two large boilers and a derrick belonging to Contractors Neidermeier and Restle, would have been toppled into the river.

“Probably the most desperately frightened of those who witnessed the accident not even escaping the howling small boy, was Engineer Vade Hungerford, who has charge of the stationary engine on the river bank. It was all his coworkers could do, so they claim, to keep Vade from leaping into the river. He had recovered his composure at noon, however, and was able to resume his duties.”

• Compiled from the Youngstown Vindicator by Traci Manning, MVHS curator of education.

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